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You can email me at my first initial plus last name @
- A Case for Bitcoin Maximalism (Texas A&M) November 2019
- Bitcoin Wallet Design (UT Austin) March 2019
- The Case for Bitcoin Maximalism (Capital Factory Austin) June 2018
- Lecture on Bitcoin at Texas A&M Computing Society March 2018
- How to Raise Seed Money in South America June 2013
Podcast Interviews
- Bitcoin Fixes This - Episode #10 September 2020
- Securing Bitcoin - Rob Mitchell's The Bitcoin Game Podcast September 2019
- Bitcoin Hardware Wallets - Stephan Livera Podcast August 2019
- Bitcoin Multisig Storage Guide August 2020
- Bitcoin Hardware Wallet Comparison July 2019
- Unpopular Bitcoin Opinions May 2019
- How Software is Destroying Jobs and Improving our Lives February 2019
- How To Preserve and Grow Your Wealth August 2018
- ICOs Are Cancer May 2018
- Understanding The Bitcoin Protocol (for Software Engineers) October 2014 (revised March 2018)
- What's going to happen when bitcoin forks (again)? October 2017
- How should I store my bitcoin? September 2017
- Should I Migrate to an Async Framework? October 2017
- Why I'm long on Costco August 2017
- Blockchains Are Hard to Scale August 2017
- The Dangers of Getting Cash Abroad June 2017
- Bitcoin's Silver Bullet: How to Get 10x Scaling and 0-Conf Today June 2017
- Python 3's Killer Feature: asyncio June 2017
- Why Take-Home Tests Are Awesome May 2017
- Write Fast Apps Using Async Python 3.6 and Redis April 2017
- dsert - Dictionary Assertion Library March 2017
- The Blockchain is Evolutionary not Revolutionary February 2017
- BTC SHA256 vs LTC Scrypt Hashing Implementation November 2014
- craigslist: Your UI is Unforgivable December 2012
- What are the best ways to think of ideas for a startup? December 2010
Software I've Written
Most of the code I've written is either closed source or no longer online. Here are some things that still exist:
- OpSep Protocol - use hybrid cryptography to enforce rate-limiting of your database
- Merkle Proof Verification in Specter-Desktop - for trust-minimized privacy preservation in hosted bitcoin-nodes
- Blockcypher Block Explorer - No longer recommended
- bcwallet - Blockcypher Command Line Only Bitcoin Wallet (not recommended)
Services I love (and recommend)
- $5 free credit on - Give a free virtual credit card number to every merchant with spending limits that you control. Full disclosure: I'm a small investor in the company.
- $20 free credit on Google Fi - It's super cheap and feels like what a carrier is supposed to be. Now compatible with iPhone (in beta).
- $40 credit on Classpass - great for working out while travelling.
Technical Bitcoin Resources (for software engineers only)
- Programming Bitcoin - I was one of the technical reviewers of this book.
- Bitcoins the hard way: Using the raw Bitcoin protocol - How transactions work with code examples.
- Bitcoin multisig the hard way: Understanding raw P2SH multisig transactions - like the previous, but for even more complex multisig transactions.
Non-technical Bitcoin Resources:
- The Little Bitcoin Book: Why Bitcoin Matters for Your Freedom, Finances, and Future - a short and easily approachable introductory book on bitcoin.
- The Bullish Case for Bitcoin by Vijay Boyapati - a piece explaining why bitcoin could truly be a once-in-a-generation opportunity.
- The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking - history of hard money applied to the digital age.
- Stephan Livera Podcast - excellent bitcoin maximalism podcast #1.
- Noded Podcast - excellent bitcoin maximalism podcast #2.
- The Case for Bitcoin Maximalism - a talk I gave on bitcoin maximalism in June 2018. Follow me on twitter here.
- Jameson Lopp's Bitcoin Informtation & Resources - comprehensive list of resources for going down the rabbit-hole.